Our Elderflower affiliations

How does affiliate marketing work?

When we recommend a product to you, we supply a link to a website you can buy it from. Each time you click through that link and buy we (the affiliate) earn a commission. It works because the link you use is recognised by the site you buy from and recorded as coming from us.

It's a great system because a) it allows us to source and recommend all sorts of great products, and b) it helps us to invest in growing what we can do.

Do we test the products we recommend?

Our job is to make sure we offer you good recommendations. In other words, if we wouldn’t use it, we won’t promote it. Our job is to do your homework – saving you the time and stress of trolling multiple sites. We are independent, which means nothing appears as a recommendation unless a member of our team has investigated it, where possible tested it, and hand on heart declared they would buy it for their Mum/Granddad/friend.

What if I don’t like what I get?

No matter how much research, testing, and reviewing we do there may be times something is just not right for you. At this stage, we don’t have the ability to record or track what you buy from our end. So, we cannot manage delivery or returns. If something hasn’t arrived, or you’re not happy with what turned up, the process for chasing, returning, or making complaints will need to be followed with the business involved. If you have a good customer service experience, great – if not tell us. We try to get good partners but we need to know if any of our wider community are not good to work with.

Why we all need your reviews

We want to hear from you about any experiences you have – so please get in touch or leave a review. We use your feedback to improve our affiliation experience. Other customers use community feedback to help make decisions. It only takes a couple of minutes, but it does make a difference. 😊